Greetings in The Name of Jesus Christ, The Highly Exalted One,

Deeper Things:


Evolution or ” The Theory of Evolution ” has never been about science. It was and is a spiritual rebellion against God, The Creator. Not only does “The Theory of Evolution” not pass the rigorous tests of real science, it breaks from real science in every one of its conjectures. Real science points to an invisible hand of genius originating and maintaining all that can be perceived in the sense realm and the unseen.

I realize that most of our ” scientific ” books and journals, our esteemed institutions of ” higher ” learning and our ” free ” press and electronic media uphold and support evolution as confirmed scientific fact. Why should this surprise us. The “god” of this world, ( Lucifer and his lackeys, ) are temporarily allowed by God the Father to control the narrative. Rigorously tested science has been replaced by the agenda of wicked men and the fallen ones.

O Timothy, guard the doctrine which has been entrusted to you, avoiding profane, empty babblings, and contradictions of false knowledge that is called science. 1 Timothy 6:20 (A Faithful Version)

Even in Paul’s day, so called scientists and intellectuals opposed the Word of the Lord. There is absolutely nothing new under the sun.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, this is a spiritual battle! This battle must be fought in the realm of faith not in the intellect. For my fellow believers in Christ who struggle with this subject and are still open to God’s instruction, I recommend ” Answers in Genesis.” For those who need a more edgy rebuttal to evolution, try “The Theory of Everything,” a video by Trey Smith from God in a Nutshell.

your brother in Christ

P.S. Jesus Christ is coming soon.

Do not be deceived.

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