Greetings in The Name of Jesus Christ, The Giver of dreams and visions
Deeper Things
All things are accelerating. With the advent of personal electronic access, evil is exponentiating. Demonic spirits have easy access to the minds, bodies, and spirits of multitudes. Millions are in bondage and that bondage is growing. This is one of the strongest evidence of Christ’s soon return. If Jesus does not return soon, man will be overwhelmed by the dark tide and no flesh will be left alive.
The spread of the True Gospel is also accelerating. The same avenue, allowing the propagation of evil, is also allowing for genuine deliverance ministers, genuine believers with the gift of healing, and true preachers of the gospel to minister the riches of Christ. ( yes there are many phonies.)
Take advantage of electronic access to listen to the genuine servants of The Lord. Listen to The Scriptures and true worship led by The Holy Spirit.
your brother in Christ
P.S. Jesus Christ is coming soon.
Do not be deceived.