Greetings in The Name of Jesus Christ, Son of the Most High God,

Deeper Things

The Rapture:

The Rapture, in its simplest definition, is the catching up of the saints to meet the Lord in the air at His second coming. 2 Thessalonians 4: 16-17 clearly details The Rapture. It will happen. What this verse doesn’t clearly reveal is the timing of this event. The timing of The Rapture has now become a rather vigorous point of debate among the body of Christ.

There are two main viewpoints concerning the timing of this event. 1.) The Rapture is a separate event from Christ’s second coming and will occur before most of the catastrophic events of Revelation. 2.) This is not a separate event and will occur at Christ’s return.

I will ask you to do two things. 1.) Forget all you have been taught by the numerous “prophetic” voices out there and, starting with the book of Matthew, read every passage of scripture in The New Testament concerning the return of Christ. Let the scriptures speak for themselves. Do not read anything into them. 2.) Ask yourself the following question. Who has the most to lose if they are wrong about their viewpoint? One group has nothing to lose. The other group faces numerous consequences for being wrong.

I give the following loving advice. Prepare to go through all of the horrors of the last days. Prepare to either endure to the end or be martyred for your faith. If the Lord comes early and takes you out of here, Praise the Lord! We must be faithful and obedient either way.

your brother in Christ

P.S. Jesus Christ is coming soon.

Do not be deceived.

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