Greetings in The Name of Jesus Christ, The True Vine,

Deeper Things:

If I ask the question, ” What is the first commandment of The Bible?” What would you answer? The correct answer may surprise you. The first commandment given by The Creator, to His beloved creation, was ,” Be fruitful and multiply.” ( see Genesis 1:28) It may come as a shock to you that the first commandment is still in effect.

Most christians, in modern culture, are unaware that there is a concerted effort to reduce the global population. This effort is often disguised as protecting and conserving the resources of the globe. At the heart of this effort, however, is spiritual rebellion against God’s first commandment.

” The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. John 10:10a NKJV

Jesus tells us that Lucifer was a murderer from the beginning. ( see John 8:44 ) He and the dark entities have not changed. Their willing human counterparts also desire death. There is no logic to their actions. It is spiritually driven by the fallen ones.

I encourage my young married believers to trust God on this one. Be fruitful and multiply.

to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen. Romans 16:27 NKJV

your brother in Christ

P.S. Jesus Christ is coming soon.

Do not be deceived.

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