Greetings in The Name of Jesus Christ, our Intercessor,
After reading these letters, concerning the Biblical view of physical healing, one cannot help but notice the correlation between the physical and the spiritual realm. Whatever else we garner about the subject of healing, let us remember this connection.
In summary of this subject, let us lay out God’s instructions and provision for healthy living.
1. As a born again believer, walk in total obedience. If you stumble, immediately confess your sin and ask for forgiveness.
2. Make sure you have done a thorough spiritual cleansing of your being as addressed in earlier letters. This cleansing should include your connection to the sins of your ancestors.
3. Be a good steward of the temple of The Holy Spirit ( your body). Eat God’s foods. These are natural foods grown or raised without man’s manipulation and man’s contaminants. Get a good night sleep. God has promised sleep to His beloved. Stay active. We are designed for vigorous activity. As much as possible, live your life according to God’s original plan for man in The Garden.
4. Daily put on the armor of God and resist vigorously attacks upon your physical body. These attacks can come from the spirit realm and/or wicked men. This is a daily war.
5. Study The Word and identify for yourself Father’s promises concerning the healing of physical infirmities and maladies.
6. Trust The Lord.
It is time for The Body of Christ to return to Biblical principals for health and healing. Deception, in the arena of health and healing, is rapidly increasing. If you do not anchor yourself in God’s Word on this subject, you WILL be deceived.
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15 NKJV
your brother in Christ
P.S. Jesus Christ is coming soon