Greetings in The Name of Jesus Christ, The Horn of our salvation,
We will again take a look at the specific scriptural avenues by which sickness and physical infirmity enter a person. ( see letter LXXX ) We will offer God’s remedy for these various avenues. Please note: All the remedies of Father, for the modern church, are based on the finished work of Christ.
Let us first address the avenues by which the enemy has been given permission to attack us that involve personal responsibility on our part.
1.personal sin: Confess your sin, repent, and ask for forgiveness.
2. sins of your ancestors: Confess their sins, repent on their behalf, and ask for forgiveness.
3. sins of a nation: Confess the sins, repent on the nation’s behalf, and ask for forgiveness.
4. demonic spirits: In the Name of Jesus Christ, command them to leave.
5. sins of excess: Confess, repent, and ask forgiveness. Now, walk in obedience in these areas. Reject all addictive behavior. Be mastered by nothing. Eat God’s food. Get the daily sleep Father has promised you. Be active and not slothful. If there are spiritual strongholds in this arena through years of disobedience, tear them down in the all-powerful Name of Jesus.
6. fallen creation: Ask for Father’s daily protection. Remember, He is master of fallen creation. (see Mark 4: 35-41)
7. curses placed against us by wicked men: Daily put on the armor and be vigilant. Break any curses in the authority of Jesus’s name.
8. dark technology: Dark technology is propagated by dark entities and is hidden in our atmosphere, our food, medicines, water, and the materials we use on a daily basis. Ask Father for daily protection in this arena. Plead for blood of Jesus Christ to cover you. Be very careful in your use of technology. It is increasingly coming under the control of the enemy. Remember the simplicity of walking with God in The Garden. Seek that simplicity and resist the so called ” wonders” of modern technology.
After addressing any or all of these avenues, Ask Father in Jesus Name to heal you. Choose one of His many promises for healing and stand on it. Remember, healing is often not instantaneous.
The last three avenues, allowing sickness and physical infirmity, are totally dependent upon God’s will for you and His mercy. They are out of our control.
- God’s judgement: It is very difficult to reverse God’s temporal judgement on an individual. In these situations, The Lord has been long-suffering and has given warning. The child, however, remains in rebellion. You may always ask for mercy but this remains in Father’s hand.
- God’s testing or chastisement: Father disciplines His children and He sometimes allows physical infirmity. Having done all from your side, you must stand and trust. We have the promise that He will not try us beyond our ability to bear. Healing always comes after the testing has accomplished Father’s purpose.
- keeping one spiritually humble: Physical infirmity in this area is rare. You may ask The Father to remove the physical affliction but He may choose not to.
that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. 1 Corinthians 2:5 NKJV
your brother in Christ
P.S. Jesus Christ is coming soon