Greetings in The Name of Jesus Christ, The Chosen of God,


The purpose of our ” Troubleshooting Letters ” is not to accumulate acts of self-righteousness. The purpose is to propel us into full discipleship. To present our body, soul, and spirit, a living sacrifice, holy and wholly devoted to The Lord. We make this presentation out of gratefulness, to Father, for what He has done for us.

In this letter, we will continue our discussion of the touching gate.

Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people’s sins; keep yourself pure. 1 Timothy 5:22 NKJV

This scriptures warns us of laying hands on people without due spiritual diligence. Make certain The Holy Spirit is guiding you in regards to this spiritual act and you are dressed in the full armor of God. Unclean spirits can be transferred if we disregard this warning.

When discussing the touching gate, we are talking about the skin. In Western culture we view skin as a physical barrier. It provides a ready defense against hostiles in the physical realm. What is not commonly known, even among believers, is that the skin also protects against hostiles in the spiritual realm. Serious practitioners of the occult are aware of this fact. The penetration and or cutting of the skin provide an easy portal from which they access power from dark spirits for themselves or pass contaminating spirits upon the unsuspecting and unprotected.

The subject of piercings and tattoos in modern christian circles contain two extremes viewpoints. One, these are unpardonable sins. Two, you can do whatever you want with your skin because God has no opinion on the subject. In regards to number one, other than blasphemy against The Holy Spirit and what I call the final sin ( see Revelation 14:9-11), Father forgives all sins that are confessed and repented of. In regards to number two, I encourage you to search out the scriptures containing Father’s viewpoint on cutting, piercing, and marking of the skin. You might be surprised as to the coverage and clarity regarding this subject.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, in arenas that are not clearly covered by scripture, christians often ask ” Is such and such a sin and can I do this? ” These are not the correct questions. The correct questions are: 1. Does this action of mine bring glory and honor and praise to The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? 2. Would Adam and Eve have initiated this before the The Fall knowing the awesome intimacy of walking with Father in The Garden? 3. Knowing that my body is now the temple of The Holy Spirit, should I carry out this action?

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 NKJV

your brother in Christ

P.S. Jesus Christ is coming soon