Greetings in The Name of Jesus Christ, The Great I Am,
The number of professed disciples of Christ, who struggle with believing The Bible is the untainted Word of God, is astounding. Christians believe God can part the Red Sea and heal the sick but He is somehow unable to impart His Word to mortal man and preserve it down through the centuries. This is especially ironic considering everyday we trust the written word of men in regards to financial and legal matters.
For those who struggle with believing The Bible is the inerrant, living Word of The Almighty, I encourage you to take advantage of the numerous resources available supporting this supernatural document. Scientific, archeological, and ancient language proofs, overwhelmingly favor The Word and it’s claims. The god of this world ( Satan ) and his servants, keep this truth hidden or disguised. A word of warning however; Believing that The Bible is the very Word of God is not a matter of intellectual digestion, it is a matter of faith.
Some christians suggest, that in translating The Bible into different languages, the message was somehow changed. If you are really concerned about this possibility, then I suggest two solutions. One, become a scholar of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Two, buy a really good Hebrew and Greek lexicon and check the translations for yourself. With either choice you will arrive at the same conclusion. Our translators were gifted in translation, were lead and guided by The Holy Spirit, and their translations were correct.
In concluding our letters, concerning the written Word, I reiterate again. Believe The Bible and act upon that belief. Your spiritual walk will be revolutionized.
Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 1 Timothy 6:12 NKJV
your brother in Christ
P.S. Jesus Christ is coming soon